For all skin types
Step 1: concentrate
Active ingredients: tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E )
سيروم مركز ( مساج على البشرة حتى الامتصاص )
Step 2: collagen lifting mask
Active ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen
ماسك غني بالكولاجين يوضع على الوجه لمده 20 دقيقة و لا يشطف بالماء
Step 3: cream
Active ingredients :squalane, ginseng root extract
كريم مضاد اكسدة وترطيب للجلد
الاستخدام : مرة اسبوعياً
Three-quarters of the fiber structure of human skin is composed of different collagen types. With age, the collagen content in the skin is reduced – the real cause of decreased firmness, which is ultimately responsible for the appearance of small lines, wrinkles and furrows. This is exactly where KLAPP research comes into play. The intensive 3 Step Horne Treatment aims to improve the elasticity of the skin structure with the active ingredient collagen.